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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty The Eagle Stands

Post by TheToonKing Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:40 am

[From behind Arashi and Jewel the sound of someone's feet coming in contact with the roof tile reached their ears.]

???: "What'd I miss?"

Jewel: "Ah...! Rota...?!"
"You p-probably shouldn't be climbing up here after...what happened with your match..."

Arashi: "Don't sugar coat it. My dad says that just hurts more."

Rota: [Smiles] It's fine."

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"It only hurts when I breath."

HP 5

Arashi: "See, he's fine."
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Jewel: "...R-Right..."
("He barely looks fine though?? How's he even up and walking at this stage; it's not been that long???")

Rota: "I just need to see it, how strong he is."
[Rota looks to Johnathan]

("The man who beat big bro...")

Arashi "Hey Rota ..."

Rota: "Yeah?"

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 WuxrpEO
"What do ya think his chances are? That Nam guy is pretty fired up and he already landed like two Sunday Punches now."

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Rota: "Speaking from experience, its usually only when one side is on their last legs that you see what they can really do."

Arashi: "Is that so? Alright, what happens when both sides are on their last legs?"

[From the back of his mind, Rota could hear a voice]

Rota: "Then that's when they find out as well."

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Arashi " . . . . . . . Ha! For a blind guy you're pretty good at seeing the big picture."

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

[Johnathan is face-first to the ring...The chatter of the crowd sounding like nothing more then white noise...He couldn't make out anything...]

[Not even the count...]

Announcer: "6...7...!"


[Johnathan's eyes open at the familiar sound...]


[His head turned, the audience looking like a melting painting...Except for them ...]
[They all had the same matching white martial arts uniform, with various different belts accompanying them...]
[Each of them, in perfect unison, stomped their foot on the ground before punching the air...]
[Before switching sides and repeating...]

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Announcer: "...8!!!"
[At the head of them, was one girl...]

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???: "Whenever he sees us practicing kata... Sensei can never help but correct our form...!!" [Punch!]
"Before showing us the proper way!!"

Announcer: "9...!!

[Suddenly, Johnathan's hands raise up...and slam into the he begins to prop himself up!!!]
[He stands up....rather quickly, actually, for someone in his condition!!!]

Nam:  O _ O

[But what his students see...isin't what they expected as he turns to them]
[His normal cold expression...broken?]
"W-what are you...."

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[Johnathan stares at them in complete disbelief....]

Announcer: [Stops counting]
"...!!! After some form of support from the crowd, Johnathan has returned to his feet!! Absolutely unbelievable!! The ten-count has ended at number nine!!!"
--- --- ---
[The entire crowd of students turn to the side, avoiding eye contact.]

Students: "We just...Got lost!!"

?: "We were practicing kata, see..."
??: "Yeah, and we ended up here by accident..."

Students: "THAT'S ALL!!"
--- --- ---

[Johnathan's eyes widen...]


[Johnathan's disbelief had turned to shock...]

Johnathan: ("Here...for me? But no one...")

("No one except...")

[Johnathan shakes his head, cncentrating on clearing his mind before he goes nay further down that train of thought...]

Johnathan: "You guys..."



"You know, I'm pretty sure I gave you all list of exercises to do on your own time...until I got back."
[Looks at them.]

"I assume this little trip hasn't interrupted that at all, right?"

[Students are thrown into a panic.]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tenor

Students: "N-N-N-No way!!"
"All done!!"

[Johnathan nods.]

Johnathan: "Good...I wouldn't want you getting behind.]

[With this he turns towards Nam, and begins to walk to a batter position...]

("If they're really here for me...")

("And with my own strength......I can do at least this much!!")

[Finishes walking, getting back into fighting stance, eyes full of fire.]

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Students: The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 KaguWar_01_3
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"Sensei looks so cool!!"

--- --- --- --- ---
Jewel: "... 'Sensei'...?"
"He has students? [Eyes Johnathan] But he doesn't look... that old...?"

--- --- ---

[Though Johnathan stands...he doesn't actually do much of anything for the next few moments...]
[Instead...he simply breathes in and out....]

Johnathan takes his turn to rest, attempting to gain back some of his spent strength!!

(+4 HP, +4 KP, and +1 AP)

--- --- ---

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"...He has students? Who the hell is this guy!?!?"

Jewel: [Covers ears from yelling.]

Rota: ("Is this...who he really is?")

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--- --- ---
Nam: [Blinks]

[Returns to his stance, actually smiling a bit...]

"So...were you fighting for more then you let on?"

Johnathan: ("Fighting...for more?")

[Nam rushes Johnathan, to exhausted to launch himself forward with a single bound like usual, running right for him...]

[As Nam does this...Johnathan's eyes he takes, a different stance?!?!]

[Actually...this stance....]

[Is Arashi's?!?!!]

--- --- --- --- ---

Arashi: "Huh!?"

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--- --- --- --- ---

Posts : 675
Join date : 2014-07-11
Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty "Images"

Post by TheToonKing Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:15 am

Nam's turn!

[Runs right at Johnathan, speed was key...Before he could recover even the slightest bit more...!!]

[As Johnathan takes Arashi's stance...he keeps his arms ready, and at his side...tensing his body in preparation for the coming onslaught...]

--- --- ---

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[Nam's fist pulls back, and comes forth in three separate blurs...]

[...And yet....Johnathan's own arms  blur themselves, each one swatting the strikes out of the a very familiar way...]

--- --- ---
[Arashi is the first to realize....]
"T-this is..."
--- --- ---

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Genos_vs._Face_Ripper

~Basic Boxing: Impenetrable Parrying~

[But what he doesn't Johnathan's Johnathan swats each blow sent by Nam out of the air...he's watching Nam...looking for something..]

Nam: [Fists blurring repeatedly, each strike being swatted aside] "Tch..."

[Starts throwing punches with his other fist, a true barrage...]
("My body won't give out either..!!")

[Johnathan continues the struggle...his Defense leaving no opening...continuing to eye Nam, and every single blow...]

--- --- ---

Arashi, Markus, & Shaya: "That's the---"

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--- --- ---

[Nam's punches continued until finally....]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 PunchToFace

Nam attacks Johnathan with a Basic Physical Attack, inflicting 20 damage!!

[But what Nam didn't know was...]

[Just moments before....Johnathan had seen this blow coming...]

Johnathan HP 21 -> 1

("This is the one...I can take this!!")

[As the blow connects with Johnathan's head, his foot was slamming down, maintaining his balance, as an arm comes on and grabs onto Nam's wrist.]

Nam: ("What--!?")
--- --- --- --- ---

Johnathan's turn!

[Immediately after grabbing onto Nam's wrist....Johnathan pulls it aside, throwing Nam off balance, his other arm swings out, throwing a heavy blow....but wait..]
[As Johnathan throws this blow...the image of Arashi moves beside him, in perfect sync...this is...]

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--- --- ---
Arashi ("T-that motion! From the shifting of hips, the way he twists his shoulder for maximum torque! He copied my boxed down to a freaking T!")
--- --- ---

[The blow slams into Nam's head. Johnathan wastes no time, he immediately moves, setting up another lower blow. But this time Johnathan concentrates. The image of Krillin performing the technique before appearing in his mind...]

[Johnathan moves in perfect synch with the image of Krillin as he throws blow after blow at Nam!!]

[Every single blow slams into him, every single blow pushes him backwards more and more...]

("I have to do this...I will go beyond myself!!"

("Just like...")
[The blows continue to rain on Nam]
("Just like...")
[Until finally, with the final blow set up, Johnathan's fist slams into Nam's stomach!! sending the man flying back!!]
("Just like him!!")


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Johnathan attacks Nam with the Orin Combo, and scores a critical hit!!

[Nam soars backwards, eyes looking clouded...]
--- --- ---
Ami: "...!!"
--- --- ---

[And yet...]

Nam: [Flips over in mid air, and manages to land on his feet, skidding back...]

But Nam endures!! Taking only 22 damage and avoiding a knockout!! (HP 37 -> 15)

[As this happens, Johnathan wastes no time. intending to finish this now, he rushes at Nam, once again taking a stance similar to Arashi's as he runs...]

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[His face bruised, one eye swelling shut, Nam did his best to stand...]

[No...He ran forward to meet him...]

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Nam: [Sees Ami out of the corner of his eyes...]
("I'm sorry...")
[Both fighters zoom at each other, and throw their punches...]

[Ducks under Johnathan's punch...]

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Ds3OX1YX4AUTSUq

[The blow slams straight into Johnathan's face...and he is sent flying...]

[Johnathan's vision slowly fades out... as one last group of shouts makes it to his ear...]


Johnathan burns and AP (1 -> 0) to attack again, but Nam successfully counters, inflicting 10 damage!!

[Johnathan's body hits the ground with a thump...]

Johnathan HP 1 -> 0

Posts : 675
Join date : 2014-07-11
Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Surpassing Limits

Post by TheToonKing Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:24 am

[The crowd was silent for a moment, the climactic match seemingly over, just like that...]

[The announcer however, looks at Johnathan, motionless, yet in bounds...]


The announcer of the Tenkaichi Budokai has free reign to call 'knockouts' as he see them, forgoing the ten-count and declaring the opponent unable to fight....This is usually what happens when someone is knocked unconscious ...

However...having seen directly infront of him a wide assortment of martial arts matches, he had honed instincts enough to understand...


That things were not so simple this time...

--- --- --- --- ---
[Arashi, in frustration, slams his fist against the roof.]

Arashi: "This is insane..."

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"Come on Johnathan...! Stand up!"

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"It's not over yet!"

[Johnathan's students shout out.]


--- --- ---

Nam: [Walks towards the main martial arts hall...eyes closed...back to Johnathan...]


[In his minds eye....Johnathan sees....a shadowed figure. indistinct. with a brilliant white aura...part of which outstretches from his back...]
("Just like Him!")

[In that instant, reality slams back into place for Johnathan, and his eyes snap open..]

[Johnathan Turns, his arm slamming into the ground as he uses it as leverage...slowly beginning to rise.]

[Nam stops walking...]

[Johnathan's eyes he grits his teeth, slowly standing the rest of the way up....]
Johnathan: "...What are you doing..."
"This fight..."

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 18QnXsc

"Isn't over yet!"
[Johnathan's students erupt into cheers.]

Announcer: [Grins] "Yet again...!"
"Johnathan gets up yet again!!"

Despite being knocked unconscious, Johnathan is able to score a Second Wind!

HP 0 -> 16

[The crowd cheers...]

--- --- ---
[Shaya and Markus watch stoically, looking at Johnathan's physical state...]

Markus: "Whether he wins or he even planning on making it to round two?"

Shaya: "...Like we haven't been there before..."

Markus: "..." [Grins somewhat.]
--- --- ---

Nam: "..." [Hand lifts up, grabbing the turban around his head....]

[And tosses it aside...]

[His other arm lifts to the single shoulder of his outfit, now in tatters...tearing the rest of his shirts away...]
[Nam's muscles body is revealed...but its...surprisingly thin despite its tones...]

--- --- ---
Markus: [Steps back, jaw dropping somewhat...] "H-He stood up to all those blows...with that body?"

Shaya: "Malnourishment ...And its bad..."
"This guy..."

Markus: "They're at their limit then...The both of them..."
--- --- ---
[Johnathan's mess of a tie is pulling on his throat...]

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[Nam flashesback briefly to the two parting ways before...To Johnathan's want to grow stronger...]

Nam: [Raises fists] "You've....definitely surpassed your limits."

Johnathan: "Yeah...?"
[Raises fists]

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"I'll still go even further."

Now, The Eagle truly makes his final stand

Nam: "That may be..."
"But the one to win..."

[Runs forward]
"Will be me!!"

Posts : 675
Join date : 2014-07-11
Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Re: The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen

Post by TheToonKing Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:31 am

Nam's turn!

[Nam's body runs forward at a impressive, though quite human, pace...]

[As one foot hits the ground however, his leg muscles are shown tensing beneath his pants...]

[Suddenly his entire body disappeared in a flash...]

[His body passed Johnathan's...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Giphy

[Before turning, foot swinging up for a kick...]

[Johnathan, unfortunately...turns too late to react...]

[Johnathan's head spun back from the kick...but in Nam's state, their was hardly the proper power in it...]

[But even as his muscles burned, he pushed them...]

[He began rapidly kicking into Johnathan's face and chest, wherever he can land a hit and keep on kicking without leaving an opening...]

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Nam attacks Johnathan with a Basic Physical Attack, inflicting 10 damage! (HP 16 -> 6)


[ (To the viewer) a line goes through Nam's body, as his face clenches, and his body freezes up...]
[The dramatic effect dust from the barrage fades, revealing Johnathan, further marked but standing...]

[His Seikuken had returned to proper form, though it flicked in its entirety every view moments...]

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--- --- ---
Rota: "So this is it...")
--- --- ---

[No matter how Nam saw it...he was trapped...]

[In Johnathan's territory...]

Nam: [His lifted foot, refusing to be frozen no longer, slams on the ground, rattling the entire stage...]
[His hands lift...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Seikuken_vs_Seikuken

[Johnathan's stance shifts yet arm he lowers his other shoulder...and he once more taps into that image of Krillin within his mind...]

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[Johnathan's body blurs as he takes a single step forwards with incredible speed, his foot slamming into the he unleashes the now familiar rush of attacks...each blow meant to set up the next..]

--- --- ---
Son Gohan: "But on the edge of consciousness...Is that really going to run at maximum efficiency?"
--- --- ---

[As Johnathan's blows shoot forward however, breaching into Nam's Seikuken, the warrior monk hyper-focused once again shocked all who watched...]

[He began to weave between, smack aside, and in some cases simply take, the many targeted blows Johnathan was letting lose....]
[Until his barrage to comes to an end, his limbs screaming....]

Johnathan attacks Nam with the Orin Combo, but Nam manages to evade!?

--- --- ---
[Johnathan's students watch with baited breath, never seeing their master in this condition..]

?: "S-Sensei's...Not looking good..."
??: [Looks away] "Maybe sensei it---"

[The girl who'd lead the students speaks up...]

???: "What are you doing? Don't look away."
"Not even for a moment...This is just sensei's latest lesson ! Don't let it go to waste..."
--- --- ---

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 NpAnwgq

???: "It isn't over yet!"

--- --- ---

Announcer: "!!!"
"Both fighters are staring eachother they wish to say something!!"

"But it appears neither can muster the energy!"
--- --- ---
[All portions of the crowd watch without blinking...]

--- --- ---

Announcer: "Whoever manages to make a move now will likely be the winner!!"
[Meanwhile, Nam appeared to wobble back and forth somewhat...]

[Everyone was sure he was losing balance...]
[A bit of blood trails from Johnathan's mouth, that he wipes with his sleeve...never taking his eyes off of Nam...]
[His arms are burning...especially the one he'd used his Counter with, earlier....]

Posts : 675
Join date : 2014-07-11
Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty One Hell Of a Man

Post by TheToonKing Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:44 am

Nam's turn!!

[But instead...with no strength left in his arms or legs...]

[Nam suddenly throws his head forward, with all his weight and the strength he could muster, right into Johnathan's own...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Yusuke_chu


[Everyone see's Nam's head smash into Johnathan's...but...the impact...]

[Johnathan's body only skids backwards a bit...but otherwise, he remains standing!!!]

[Johnathan, somewhat struggling to move...pulls his arm back and....]


[Nam is standing straight, eyeing Johnathan with somewhat blank eyes...]
[...His forehead beginning to bleed...]

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tenor

[His fist shoots into nam's side...!Though Johnathan stumbles a bit as he lands the blow...]

[As his fist strikes Nam, the monks back visibly bulges out...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 BigPunch

Nam attacks Johnathan with a Basic Physical Attack, but Johnathan counters , inflicting 12 damage!! (HP 15 -> 3)

[Both fighters were locked close up...]
[But it was Nam who managed to gather the strength to move...]

[But he only placed his hand on Johnathan's arm, still pressed into his gut...]

[Johnathan looked back at Nam closed his eyes, and gave a slight nod with a smile...]

--- --- --- --- ---
Johnathan's turn...

--- --- ---

Rota: ("This is the man...")
--- --- ---

[Johnathan looks at him in shock a moment....before smiling and nodding himself...drawing his arm back once more....]

("Nothing left huh...Don't worry...")
[...His fist swings forth at Nam's chest once more...]

[Nam's head slowly lowers, eyes still peace...]

Rota: ("The man who beat you...")
[Johnathan's fist strikes Nam's chest without resistance, and knocks him off his feet...for one last time...]

[He soars back as his consciousness fades...]

[The announcer looks at Nam, unconscious with his back to the ground...his instincts telling him nothing...]

[However, out of courtesy and respect for the monks ability...]


"Warrior Monk" Nam...

[Johnathan looks at Nam on the ground....and puts his hands in his pockets...but he doesn't look away. he keeps watching for any sign of the Monk rising...]


--- --- ---
Markus: "...To think I skipped out on the tournament because of my weight control..."
--- --- ---

Announcer: "...9...10..."
[Nam remains laying, both hands crossed at his chest, eyes closed...]

Markus: "One hell of a man, Nam..."

Retires in the first round...

Announcer: [Nods in respect...and waits for another moment...]

[Before declaring confidently...]

"Nam has been rendered unconscious."

"Unnatural Talent" Johnathan...

"The winner..."

"Dojo Instructor" Johnathan...

"Is Johnathan!!"

[Johnnathan, his coat discarded and his shirt in tatters, falls forward...]

Moves on...

--- --- --- --- ---

[Johnathan opened his eyes mere moments later...Looking up at the blue sky...]

[Medical professionals were getting him on a stretcher to rush to the infirmary....and he realized...]

Johnathan: [Turns head, Nam is unconscious besides him...]

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Johnathan: ("Amazing...simply amazing...")

("Well...You've given me what I wanted...So...")

("If I win...Then it's only fair...if I return the favor.")

[Numerous members of the crowd are pushed aside...]

[Numerous white gi's appearing at the barrier of the audience...]

[They start to yell, but stop themselves...]

?: "No- Be dignified...!"
??: "We can't embarrass sensei in front of everyone!!" [Stands up straight]
???: "Hold it in everyone...!!!"

Johnathan: [Heads turns towards them...]

[Johnathan smirks. and reaches an arm out towards them...slowly giving them...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Giphy

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Giphy

Students: "SENSEI!!!"

Posts : 675
Join date : 2014-07-11
Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Identity

Post by TheToonKing Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:43 pm

[Sitting there, listening to his students, Rota heard Johnathan's words once again]

“Then he was weaker than I thought. To turn away from his chosen path.”

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[He gets up, and begins walking away]

Arashi "Hey Rota."
[Arashi speaks, not turning to face his tailed associate.]

Arashi: "Looks like you were right. When pushed into a corner..."
The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Source
"You really do see what a person has to give."

[Rota half turns towards Arashi, and offers a weary smile.]

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Rota: "Yeah, I guess I was."

--- --- --- --- ---

--- --- ---
[Johnathan lays back, and allows himself his rest...]


[Johnathan and Nam are taken away to the infirmary...]
Announcer: "We'll be beginning the next match after a short break!"
"I'll allow everyone's hearts to settle a bit..."
--- --- ---
[Johnathan's students...]

?: "Sensei's the best!!" [wipes tears]
??: "We should go see him in the infirmary!!"
???: "Are you crazy!? Don't ruin his rest! He needs to recuperate for his next match!!"
??: "Oh Kami, theirs another match..."

?: "And more after that!!"

[The girl leading the students steps up]

?????: "Alright! No use standing around!!"
"Let's go finish sensei's exercises for real!!"
"We'll finish them before his second round match!!"

Students: "RIGHT!"
--- --- ---

[Taro and Opa are besides each other...Looking down at the ground, rather sadly, though arguing under their breath...]

Opa: "Ooo..." (You)
Taro: "Hoo..." (No you)

[A few steps ahead, having been at the edge of the audience, Ami...head down...]

Ami: "Big brother Nam really lost..."

[But he was to dehydrated to cry for Nam...]
[Starts to tear up, but shakes his head...]

Ami: "N-Nam wouldn't want me to cry...So I won't!"
"We'll find another way to help the village..."

[Taro and Opa exchange a glance...]
--- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
[The Infirmary...]

[A collection of numerous beds, some nurses and doctors in and out...]

[Gerie was in her bed, ass up, still knocked out, drooling somewhat into the pillow...]


--- --- --- --- ---

[Arashi wiped away his tears, though a odd visual effect goes over him for a moment, like a purplish veil falling over him...]

Delayed Pheromones

[While Gerie can release pheromones on command to tame those of the opposite sex...]

[Her true form's body will release a batch on its own in times of stress...]

--- --- ---
[While frozen by Rika, her pheromones built up...waiting for an escape...]

Son Gohan: "Hooooooooh!!!"
Arashi: "Hooooooh!!!"

[Ice shatters, and a small spray of mist is suddenly seen going on the two...

--- --- ---

[Arashi blinks a few times and looks at Gerie and her butt]
Arashi: "Hhhhmm"

[Walks on over and reaches for ...the blanket?]

[Arashi proceeds to cover Gerie properly with the blanket. Not wanting her to catch a cold after being literally frozen alive]
"Arashi: Jeez lady. Ya gotta take better care of yourself."
[Casually walks away.]

"She still smells nice though."

Arashi scores a natural 20 and resists the Delayed Pheromones

--- --- --- --- ---

--- --- --- --- ---
[Meanwhile Son Gohan was excited the bathrooms, finally able to after holding the entire match...]

Son Gohan: "Ah..."
[Walks a bit...]

[A purplish veil goes over him as well...]

Delayed Pheromones

[Son Gohan suddenly froze...]

[Heart throb sound effect]
Son Gohan fails his save to resist the Delayed Pheromones...!!

[And for some reason... something slipped out...]


The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 KitsuneTailQuestionMark

[He immediately shakes his head, the tail poofing away...]

...Before releasing its effects on him himself...

Son Gohan: "Hm...Got a little carried away there..."
[Puts hands behind back and continues walking...]

--- --- --- --- ---
[The Announcer steps back to the fighting ring...]

Announcer: "Now then... the Tenkaichi Budokai will continue!!"
"What thrilling battles have we yet to see!?"

"This year will be one to remember!!"

Posts : 675
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Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Abra and Nana

Post by TheToonKing Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:56 pm

--- --- ---
?: "After the last match, I don't know what to expect!!"
??: "Let's see them!! The next clashing titans!!"
--- --- ---

Announcer: "Iiiiiiinnn the left corner...." [glances at flashcard]
[Looks at back of card.]
[Practically  blank...]
"Well...I alluded to her appearance earlier...!!"

--- --- ---
?: "Her? Oh boy..."
??: "Another knockout!?"
--- --- ---

Announcer: "She's the youngest contestant ever to enter the Tenkaichi Budokai!!"

? & ??: "EHHHH!?"
???: "Hailing from the.. 'Northern wilderness'...Just what is the secret to the vast strength and speed she's shown so far?"
[Raises hand]

[Sweat drops]
("Needs work...")

[Abra bounces waving her hands in the air at everyone in the stands.]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Waving-anime-gif-4

--- --- ---
[The entire crowds eyes widen...]


Announcer: [sweat drop...]
--- --- ---
?: "W-What is she...five!?"

[Numerous similar sentiments go off...killing the buzz after the last match...]

[Although one voice...]

Ami: "Yeah!! Go Abra!!" ^_^
"Who knew kids could be strong to!?"
[Wipes away some of the tears that he couldn't stop from forming...]
: O
--- --- ---
[Arashi claps on the roof.]

Arashi: "Go get em!"

--- --- ---

Announcer: "Annnnd in the right corner..."
"She's been compared to the music idol we all know and love, Sue....And frankly the resemblance is uncanny!!"

--- --- ---
??? (Ex-Fighter): "No, I saw all her matches...She's nothing like Sue-chan!!"
??: "Yeah...she's creepy ... Like she's got no emotions at all ...."
?: "Totally unsettling..."
--- --- ---

"And yet, her strength is really something else!! Every match ended with a quick, easy knockout for this idol lookalike!!"
[Raises hand]
("Fill out your personal information better!")

[Nana comes running in from the martial arts hall, clearly with some embarrassment ---]


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[The crowd gasps...]

[Nana's head slowly raises, clearly embarrassed.]

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Nana: "D-Did I ruin everyone's good time!?

--- --- ---
??? (Ex-Fighter): "N-N-No!!"
??: "Everything's fine!!"
?: "Don't get upset!!"
--- --- ---

[Crowd purposefully cheers up....]

Nana: [stands, nodding] "I see."

Announcer: ("A real change of pace this match...")

[Abra tilts her head almost as if trying to remember something before it finally clicks.]

Abra: "OH! OH! Your mama's friend from earlier! She told me you get steamy! Can you explain that to Abra, Abra didn't get to ask mama!"


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[Rushes up to Abra, putting a finger to her lip]
"No ones suppose to know about that...!!"
--- --- ---
Audience: [Leans in to hear]
--- --- ---

Nana: > . >
D :

Abra: "Oh!"

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Abra: "A secret... Abra keep your secret. Abra very quiet!"

Nana: "Really?"
[Thinks for a moment, how to respond...]

[She ends up putting her hands together at her waist, and bowing...]
"Thank you very much..."
--- --- ---
?: "W-What an adorable scene..."
??: "But...It's a fight you know..."
[Mass sweat drops]
--- --- ---

Abra: "Abra want to know what you gonna get when you win. Abra is gonna get a bunch of candy and eat it all!"

Nana: "What I'm 'gonna get'...?"

Abra: "Yeah yeah!" [Abra nods awaiting an answer.]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tenor

Nana: "...What does that mean?"

Abra: "You know, once you win you get tons of something called zeni and it can get you anything! I wanna get a bunch of ice cream and chocolates! If you win, what would you want?"

Nana: "Exchanging money for goods and services...I had heard of such a thing..."

"I've never wanted anything before..."


"If I win, why don't you take the prize zeni, and buy all the candy and ice cream you want..."
"I don't think the doctor has any use for it..." [Eyes widen, both hands clamping over mouth]

[Abra begins bouncing again]
Abra: "REALLY!? Abra could have it!? Does that mean were friends!?"

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tenor

--- --- ---
[Rika's head turns...]

Rika: "Is someone making friends?"
--- --- ---


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Nana: " 'Friends' ? I know that too!"
"You want to be 'friends' with me...?"

--- --- ---

Arashi: [Playfully shakes head.] "You guys are such softies..."

--- --- ---

Abra: "YEAH YEAH! WE CAN ALL BE FRIENDS AND SHARE ABRA'S TREATS! Abra share with big sister Nana and Rika!"

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Cute-moe-3o7bul4bNw60uhhQyI

--- --- ---

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tenor

Rika: "B-B-Big Sister!?!"
--- --- ---
Nana: "Sis-ter?"
"That's not a word I know anything about..."

Abra: "It mean we can all be together and have fun like a family! Abra sure mama wouldn't mind friends! We can play some after this!"

Nana: "Be...together---"

Announcer: "Right then...!!"
("Can't lose the audience...!!")

"Ladies and gentlemen, let the fifth match of the Tenkaichi Budokai...!"

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Match_2_Begin


[The gong is struck...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tournament_Gong

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

"Black Hole" Abra Vs "Idol Lookalike" Nana


The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 4_12

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Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Mr. Wind

Post by TheToonKing Fri May 01, 2020 5:12 am

Engage Battle!

--- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Round 1, start!
--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Abra (22)
Nana (6)
--- --- ---
Abra (Lv. 2 / 78 HP / 85 EP / 8 AP)
Nana (Lv. 2 / ?? HP / ?? EP / ? AP)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

[Engage Battle!

--- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Round 1, start!
--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Abra (22)
Nana (6)
--- --- ---
Abra (Lv. 2 / 78 HP / 85 EP / 8 AP)
Nana (Lv. 2 / ?? HP / ?? EP / ? AP)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

[Abra jolts from the gong]
Abra: "Oh that mean we start, you ready?"

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tenor

Nana: [Stands straight.] "Yes..."
[Makes no particular pose or gesture.]
"For reference, I've come here to test my power...So my intention is to not hold anything back."

"...Is that a problem?" [Looks worried]

Abra: "So Abra shouldn't hold back either!?"
[Abra's eyes begin to glisten in excitement]

Nana: "Oh, that would be convenient for the testing, yes..."

--- --- ---
Audience: > . >
--- --- ---
--- --- --- --- ---
Abra's turn!

--- --- ---
Arashi: "About time. Lets see what these two got!"
--- --- ---

[Abra begins bouncing in place again]
Abra: "YAY! YAY! YAY!"

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Jasper_Spin_Dash

Announcer: "W-What's this!?"
"Abra's just casually...curled up into a ball and shot forth!?"

--- --- ---
Audience: > . >
??: "Don't she got a spine!?"

???: "You'd think she was a hedgehog-type!!"
--- --- ---

[Abra's spinball form shoots across the ring at Nana, who eyes her without much worry...]

[Just before the spinning wreckingball struck, Nana stepped to the side...and as she passed, she tossed a punch at Abra on her way...]

Nana: "Ehh..!!"

Abra attacks Nana with her Spin Dash Attack, but Nana scores a perfect parry, inflicting...5 damage? (HP 78 -> 73)

Turn end!!
--- --- --- --- ---
Arashi: "Might have to take on one of these two in the finals. Better study up!"
--- --- ---

[Nana took pause...and remembered the advice she'd gotten just before the match...]

--- --- ---
Nana: [Stands up straight] "It's you!!"

Rose: "Since your match with Abaara is next I thought I'd pay you a visit..."


Rose: "Abaara can hit hard when she wants to, and she's got a high stamina. She isn't very smart, but I wouldn't underestimate her intelligence too much though just in case."
"She can be hyper and cover ground pretty quickly, so running away probably won't do you any good."

--- --- ---

Nana: ("I don't know why she helped me but...")
("She 'hits hard' so I should avoid that , but running away 'probably won't do me any good' ...")

[Closes eyes, unsure of what to do, one hand raising up at Abra]

"I'll just...!!"
[As she raises her hand to her, Abra may notice a small point on her palm...]

[It might remind her of what Rose had said to her before the match...]

--- --- ---
"Nana's strength is her ability to knock you away with air. You have to be careful to not be near the edge of the ring. She's quite agile, so don't expect to be able to just hit her with a punch got that?"
"Also if she starts steaming...try to beat her as fast as possible..."
"Both for her sake, and yours.."

--- --- ---


[Suddenly, the space around Nana's palm visually distorts as a blast of pressurized air was forced out of the incredibly small point...]

[The space that the air blast traveled through became distorted and practically flashed with white light...]

[It approached Abra at inhuman speeds...however...]

[Abra quickly reacts dropping down under the blast or air.]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tenor

Nana attacks Abra with a Basic Energy Attack (!?), but misses!

Nana: "Mr...Wind?"

Turn End!

Round 1, over!

Posts : 675
Join date : 2014-07-11
Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Testing

Post by TheToonKing Fri May 01, 2020 5:19 am

Round 2, start!
--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Abra (22)
Nana (6)
--- --- ---
Abra (Lv. 2 / 73 HP / 85 EP / 8 AP)
Nana (Lv. 2 / ?? HP / ?? EP / ? AP)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Abra's turn!
--- --- ---
Announcer: "I-I'm not sure what just happened...Some kind of heat mirage?"
"Neither fighters seem phased by it however!!"

Abra: "Don't worry Mr. Wind! Abra will beat big sister Nana for you!"
[Abra follows up on the blast, quickly leaping up in front of Nana, then brining her hands down for a sledgehammer attack]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Giphy

[Nana lifted her arms upwards, crossing them...]


[An odd nose rang out from the impact...But Nana had blocked it]

Abra attacks Nana with a Basic Physical Attack, but misses!

-- --- ---
Audience: [Hold their ears to defend against the sound.]
--- --- ---

[Abra waste no time going for the next attack pulling away and twirling in the air, brining her leg down on Nana.]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Giphy

[Nana's body moves back in careful quick reaction, but a handful of black (...Or whatever, easily retconable) hair fell to the ground, cut by the kick like it were a blade...]

Abra burns an AP (8 ->7) to try once again, but misses!

Nana: "Ohhh..."
"You really are strong ..." [The sledgehammer..]
"And fast ..." [That kick...]

"Just like they said!!"

Announcer: [Scratches cheek]
"W-What else should we have expected, everyone!?"
"Even if they're children, the participants of the Tenkaichi Budokai never cease to impress!!"

[Upon hitting the floor, Abra jolts behind Nana.]
Abra: "Abra do her best to impress big sister Nana!"
[She reaches for Nana trying to leap onto her back to hold onto her]

Nana: "Oh! I'm sorry...I was to busy thinking..." [Disappears]
[Reappears behind Abra, pulling her into a grapple of her own...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Latest?cb=20170310021741

Abra burns another AP (7 ->6) to attempt to grapple Nana, but Nana scores a perfect parry, grappling Abra instead!!

Nana: "The best way to stop you from 'covering ground' is this !!"
"Thanks for the idea!"

[Begins giggling when grabbed.]
Abra: "This is fun! Big sis is real fun!"

Nana: "Is it? Am I?"
"That's good..."

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Nana's turn!
[Nana adjusted her grapple, so that she could press one of her palms to Abra's back...]

Nana: "Now I'll test stage 2 ..."


[Nana's second air blast hit Abra's back at point blank, propelling her out of Nana's grapple and across the ring in a fairly large bullet of air...!!]


[Luckily, rather then out of the ring, Abra slammed against the stages walls, which counted as in bounds...]

Nana attacks Abra with a Charged Energy Attack (EP -Cool, inflicting 21 damage! Abra is also freed from her grapple! (75 -> 54)
Nana hits the rings wall, taking 2 more damage! (HP 54 -> 52)

Crowd: "!?!?!"
[Dust has kicked up at the wall...]

Announcer: "What's this!?"
"Could it be that Nana's actually displaying a bit of supernatural powers !?"
"Like contestant Rika(-chan) in our opening match!?"
"Could this be some new trend to expect here!?"
Nana: [Nods] [Angles palm towards face, eyeing the opening...]
"No errors thus far..."

[Meanwhile the dust clears...]

[Abra is currently embedded in the wall, bruised and cut from both the blast and collusion. She begins coughing from the rubble and dust.]
Abra: "That kinda hurt..."

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tenor

[She begins shaking off her dizziness looking back to Nana.]

Nana: "If that's the case...This will likely hurt even more..."
[One hand calmly lifts from her side, unintentionally rather coldly...]

"Stage three... testing..."

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[This time with an even greater flash of white, a wider blast of air pressure blasted out...]
[This one expanded to the point of easily catching someone of Abra's small size completely within it, and it was shooting right for her...]

Nana burns an AP to attack Abra with a Charged Energy Attack (EP -12)...


The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tenor

[She quickly pops herself out the hole and leaps up to avoid the blast.]

Nana burns an AP to attack Abra with a Charged Energy Attack (EP -12) once again, but misses!

Nana: "Stage three, still proving stable..."
"But what an impressive dodge, Abra."

Turn End!

Round 2, end!

Posts : 675
Join date : 2014-07-11
Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Re: The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen

Post by TheToonKing Fri May 01, 2020 5:23 am

Round 3, start!
--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Abra (22)
Nana (6)
--- --- ---
Abra (Lv. 2 / 52 HP / 85 EP / 6 AP)
Nana (Lv. 2 / ?? HP / ?? EP / ? AP)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Abra's turn!
--- --- ---

[Abra crouches down holding both hands on her head.]
Abra: "Hey hey, give Abra a second! Abra still dizzy and hurt because of Nana. Let's just take a little break."

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 42d35e4fe5b9d118ddc1d618f55dd85c

"That fine Nana?"

Nana: "Very well...I will use the opportunity as well..."

[Both take different stances of recovery...]

Abra regains 12 HP from Passive Regeneration! (HP 52 -> 64)

[Abra stands back up once again shaking her head to rid of any dizziness and starts looking over her body. Different cuts, bruises, and scrapes line her body and even a dent from where the blast had hit her. Each slowly begin to have a pink goo cover them seeming to mold to fit over its the wound, the dent slowly pushes its self back out to its normal state. After a second the pink goo shifts in color now fitting Abra's skin tone, looking as if nothing had happened.]

Abra: "Yay! Abra feel better again! ABRA IS UP AND RUNNING!"

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Unknown

Abra uses Active Regeneration to regain 24 HP! (HP 64 -> 78 KP 85 -> 71)

Nana: [Blinks] "How odd."

[Numerous audience members are blinking, and wiping at their yes, unsure if they saw right...]

Turn End!

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Nana's turn!

Nana: [Closes eyes, hands lowered...]
[To the acute eye, the air around her distorts from the sudden heat building up in her...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Datmxo7-ebb84cb3-ec81-4304-b65c-e28013fab1b5.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzYwZTFjMzk0LWRkYzgtNGVlNy04YzUwLTE3ZGQyZWYwZjc4ZVwvZGF0bXhvNy1lYmI4NGNiMy1lYzgxLTQzMDQtYjY1Yy1lMjgwMTNmYWIxYjUucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

Nana appears to use her Power Generator capabilities to regain EP...

Nana: [Eyes open]

[Split screen between the two girls...]

Turn End!

Round 3, end!

Posts : 675
Join date : 2014-07-11
Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Courage

Post by TheToonKing Fri May 01, 2020 5:43 am

Round 4, start!
--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Abra (22)
Nana (6)
--- --- ---
Abra (Lv. 2 / 78 HP / 71 EP / 6 AP)
Nana (Lv. 2 / ?? HP / ?? EP / ? AP)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Abra's turn!
--- --- ---


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"Wait. Hold on."

--- --- ---

[Abra begins thinking to herself.]
Abra: "Hmm... Mama said she strong and Abra can't hit her easy. What Abra do, what Abra do..."

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tenor

"Wait! Abra have idea!"

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tenor

"What if Abra do what mama said not to do and go to the edge! If Abra just spit her off the edge, then maybe Abra don't get anymore headaches! Yeah Yeah lets try that one!

Nana: [just watching Abra go through these various stages of thought]
[Tilts head]

[Abra stands up and points to Nana.]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Dbz-movie-14-battle-of-gods-48

Abra: "Abra is now ready! Prepare to see the power of the GREAT ABRA!"

--- --- ---

Ami: [Amazed at Abra's flare...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Omg

"Go for it, Great Abra !!"
--- --- ---

[She run to the side of Nana stopping fairly close to the edge of the stage and begins to open her mouth...]
[Her mouth completely opens almost as if her jaw has been unhinged and starts to inhale, the inhaling continues getting louder and louder as the suctions picks up more and more until becoming a vacuum.]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 VainSpitefulAsiantrumpetfish-size_restricted

Announcer: "...?"
[Hair and suit start getting pulled towards Abra...until his own body starts to slide as well, even with his distance from Abra...]
"What's this!? Abra's started some kind of inhalation based maneuver...!?!"

[Steps back repeatedly as he's gently pulled in...]
"The suction within the ring must be unreal!! This reminds me of the beginning of contestant Rika's very last attack...But this suction is twice as, three times as strong..."

--- --- ---
[Numerous members of the audiences clothes and hair are being violently whipped up and pulled, but they remain safe for the moment...]

[Although an amazed Ami, light as he was, started to comically float up from the force, causing Opa and Taro to jump up to save him...]
--- --- ---

Announcer: "No... ten times as strong..."
[But as anyone looks to the ring, now a practical vortex of winds pulling into Abra's gullet, Nana was already gone...?]

Announcer: "W-Where has contestant Nana disappeared to!?"

Abra uses her Snack Time on Nana but misses! (EP 71 -> 59)

[The announcer looks all over, before focusing up in the air]


[Nana is seen high up in the air, floating down...]
Nana: "Potential danger avoided..."

Crowd: "Eh!?!"

Announcer: "Nana's taken to the skies in a single bound, just like Nam before her!!"

[Abra starts aiming her mouth up into the air to Nana.]
"Come on come on! Drop in Drop in!"

Nana: [Eyes widen.]
"In avoiding danger, it appears I've made..."

[The intense suction starts to pull her in, the air around her whipping up and pulling down...]

"A possibly fatal error..."
[Nana's body rockets down...]

--- --- ---
?: "H-Hey, what is Abra actually trying to do, anyway?"
??: "..."
--- --- ---

[Nana flies down...and into Abra's heavily expanded jaw...]

Abra burns an AP (6 -> 5) to try again, successfully!! Nana is grappled...inside of Abra!? (EP 57 -> 32)
--- --- ---

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 8VTtemR

--- --- ---

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 DhHaJpUW4AIY6BY
--- --- ---
Rika: [Blinks]
"She...ate her?"
--- --- ---

Abra: "Yay yay! Abra did it! Now Abra just spit her off edge and Abra win!"

[Abra turns around and slowly woddle her way over to the edge of the stage.]

Announcer: [Adjusts glasses, which had nearly fallen off...]
"I-It appears Abra is employing an unseen strategy for acquiring a ring-out!!"

"S-Sucking the opponent into herself...a-and spitting them out of the ring..."

--- --- ---
[Majority of the crowd outright falls over...]
Ami: "Wooaaah!!"
"Why didn't anyone else think of that!?"

Opa and Taro: " ..."
--- --- ---

Jewel: "These fighters certainly employ unique abilities..."

--- --- ---

[A bump suddenly pushes out of Abra's side, one of Nana's hands...And then the other on the opposite side...probing her current environment for an exit...]

--- --- ---

Arashi " ...Wtf am i looking at?"

--- --- ---

[Stops slowly tipping back and forth from the probing]
Abra: "Big sis nana needs to stop or I'm going to fall!"
[She begins to slowly woddle her way once again reaching the edge and adjust herself as she ejects Nana from her mouth.]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 1455329039782

[The crowd are thrown into a panic as the inflated Abra bounds towards them...]

[Nana fires out, down for the ground surrounding the stage...]
[She seems to throw her hands out to catch herself but...]



[Nana's body shot back up, landing back onto the stage besides the shrinking Abra, just before she'd hit the ground out of bounds...]

Announcer: "M-Mid-air..."

Crowd: "Recovery!?"

Abra spits Nana out outside of the ring, but Nana manages to recover!

[Nana's hair had fallen over her face as she turns towards her opponent, accenting the chunk Abra's kick had cut out....]

Nana: [Considers this new emotion...] "...I believe this is...curiosity?
"What is your species, Abra?"

Abra: "What's a... spacies?"

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--- --- ---
[Calling out from the roof.]
Arashi: "It's your race, Abra!!"
--- --- ---

Abra: "A race? Abra isn't running... is she?"
[Abra looks at her feet to check.]
"Yeah yeah, Abra is not running!"

Nana: "Hmm..."

Arashi: "...what the heck? Oh right! Five year old. I'll just ask her m-"

[Giran vs Rose flashbacks intensify]

"...or maybe not."

Nana: "Well, never mind then..." [Breaks eye contact with Abra, looking to the side.. experiencing this form of awkwardness for the first time...] "We can keep fighting now..."

Abra: "If Nana says so..."
[Abra snaps out of her confusion and points at Nana again, this time annoyed.]
"Hey! Nana was gonna lose to Abra's Amazing Super Awesome Plan! Why you come back!?"

Nana: "Ahh..."
"I can't allow myself to lose this match until I've either won, securing another occasion for testing, or completely finished the testing of my various combat functions..."

"Abra: "B-but Abra's plan!"

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"No! Abra just keep trying to push Nana off tell she finally stay off! Then Abra plan still worked!"

[Abra once again runs to the side of Nana positioning herself between Nana and the middle of the stage]
"Abra just keep hitting tell Abra don't need to hit no more!"

[She begins to form into a ball, revving up again before launching at Nana.]

Nana: [Eyes widen somewhat as Abra fires off, forcing her to jump to the side in evasion...]
[Nana's unblinking eyes noticed yet another opening in Abra's rotations, tossing a fast kick into her back as the ball spun by....]

Abra burns another AP (5 -> 4) to attack Nana with her Spindash Attack, but Nana scores another perfect parry, inflicting 7 damage! (78 -> 71)
[Before Abra could zoom right off of the ring, her trajectory lowered, bouncing off the ground to successfully zoom right back at Nana without a moments notice.]

[The spindash knocked into Nana's face and chest, knocking her right over as Abra continued to dash on...]

Abra burns another AP (4 -> 3) to successfully try again, inflicting 13 damage!
[Nana fell forward onto her hands, as the announcer took to the microphone...]

Announcer: "It appears Abra has landed her first hit of the match!!"

[Nana was noticeably marked from the attack, though said marks didn't redden or bleed. She stood back up without any apparent pain.]

Abra: "Not enough, Abra keep trying!"
[Abra takes aim on Nana again continuing her Spin Dash Barrage.]

[Numerous flashes reflect in the announcers sunglasses...]

Announcer: "Oh my, things are really speeding up!!"

[Numerous split screens go off of Abra zooming at Nana and her managing to dodge with a jump, twist, or blasting herself back with the smallest release of air. Abra spins and bounces faster and faster, trying to outpace the artificial human's advanced senses and instantaneous response...]

[All the while Abra, be it intentional or not, cept Nana from retreating from the rings edge, cutting off any attempt in such a way Nana was forced to move right back.]

[To most of the audience Abra was pinballing all around the rings edge so fast they were seeing multiple balls airborne at once, total mayhem surrounding a blurry always moving Nana...]

--- --- --- --- ---
[Some of the former fighters are as in awe at Abra's feats as any, but...]

?: "The speed is unreal and I don't see it packing any less of a punch..."
"But she's clearly paying absolutely no mind to conserving her stamina."

??: "But if she does knock Nana off, it'll all be worth it..."

???: "Sure, but what if she doesn't...?

--- --- --- --- ---

[After the constant barrage of spin dashes with no success, Abra starts to slow down until reaching a full halt on movement, panting now short of breath and getting tired.]

Abra: "Abra don't know how long she can keep this up... Nana just won't go down! What Abra do now?!"

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Abra burns three more AP (3 -> 0) to try three more attempts, missing them all

[As Abra pants, Nana stands tall, no signs of fatigue...]

Nana: "A blitzkrieg like strategy, I've been made well aware of it...and I was cept completely on the defensive by it...."

--- --- --- --- ---
Nana's turn!

[Nana starts to calmly walk...right past the crouched over Abra...]

[...And over towards the center of the ring...]

Nana: "But the downside to this strategy...Is the intense expenditure of available resources, and if failed..."

[Stands practically at the center of the ring...]
"The inevitable loss of momentum..."

--- --- ---
[Shaya lets out a heavy and disappointed sigh.]
Shaya: "Things keep up like this and it looks like that Nana girl will take the win"

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[Markus chuckles]

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Markus "Weeelll ya may have a point there. She's easily the most abnormal participant so far but she's likely packing the least experience to."
"But...that's what makes Unorthodox types so interesting. You never know when they'll rip the rug right from under you."
--- --- ---

Nana: "Ahh..."
"I'm really sorry about ruining your plan again, Abra!!"

[While still tired Abra's head pops up slightly looking back.]
Abra: "Nana Apologizing to Abra? But why?"

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"Abra is very confused, Nana sorry for beating Abra?"

Nana: "I-It is confusing..."
"I have to defeat you in this match, but foiling your plans doesn't...feel...good...?"

--- --- ---
[Most of the crowd nearly falls back...]

?: "So...!!"
??: "Innocent...!!"

Crowd: "So what's she doing here!?"
--- --- ---

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(No tears)

[Abra thinking she is going to cry seeing her face jolts up facing Nana.]

Abra: "No no! Nana don't feel sad! Abra just make a better plan! And if Nana starts to cry, A-abra will cry too!"

[Abra's eyes begin to water as she holds back incoming tears.]

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"Big sis don't feel bad please!"

Nana: [Eyes widen...] " I'm effecting.. your emotions?"
[Quickly covers face with both hands...]

"Okay...I don't feel 'bad' anymore !!"

For the most part, in response to Abra's sadness, this was Nana's first time displaying...

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"Let's continue fighting, okay?"

[Abra wipes her eyes and nose trying to cover the fact that she was indeed crying.]
Abra: "O-ok let'ssniff let's do that..."

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Nana: [Gives a strong nod.] "Yes!"

[Lifts both hands forward...]

"Now...I'll be testing stage four ..."

--- --- ---
?: "Right back to it, just like that!"

[Turns, various crowd members crying from Abra and Nana's display...]

??: "Why do they even have to fight!?"
???: "Yeah, they're sisters!! Apparently..."
--- --- ---

Nana: "..." [Clearly building up power...]

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Nana: [Lowers hands, before looking at them...]
"Hmm...their appears to be a jam..."

Nana attacks Abra with a Charged Energy Attack, but fails her manipulation check! (EP -16)

[She comically slaps both her arms together...]

Nana: "Perhaps I progressed through the stages to quickly..."

[Raises one arm towards Abra again...]

[It shakes for a moment, before a blast of air shuttles through harmlessly...]

Nana burns an AP to attempt a Basic Energy Attack on Abra, but misses! (Nat 1)

"That should solve it..."

Turn End!
Round 4, end!

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Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Re: The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen

Post by TheToonKing Mon May 04, 2020 3:51 pm

Round 5, start!
--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Abra (22)
Nana (6)
--- --- ---
Abra (Lv. 2 / 71 HP / 32 EP / 0 AP)
Nana (Lv. 2 / ?? HP / ?? EP / ? AP)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Abra's turn!
--- --- ---
Abra regains 6 HP from Passive Regeneration! (HP 71 -> 77)

[Abra finally reorganizes herself and focuses back onto the fight.]
[She starts running straight on at Nana pulling her hand back then launching forward at Nana's stomach.]

Abra: "Ok, Big sis! Here! Abra! Comes!"
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[Both of Nana's hands move to point her way, but the child slips between them, out of their range as Nana entered Abra's...]

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[She pulls back from the hit and starts looking down at her hand in joy.]
Abra: "Abra did it! Abra landed a punch for once! You see that Nana?!"
"No wait! Abra pay attention! Must stay focused!"
[She begins putting on a obviously forced serious face trying to be focused.]

[Nana however, is laying flat on her back with very dizzy eyes, from just that single blow...]
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Announcer: "!?"
"Now that she's actually taken a proper hit, it appears Nana really doesn't handle them well!!"


[But Nana starts to stand before the ten-count could go any further...]

Abra attacks Nana with a Basic Physical Attack, inflicting 10 damage!
Nana: "I seemed to have...lost visuals, for a moment..."
"My theory on the matter would have to be..."

"Abra hits very hard!!"

Nana: "My response..." [Lifts hand towards Abra, preparing another blast of air...which once again caused the now opposite arm to violently shake in response to the 'jam'...before shooting out a harmless puff...]

Nana attacks Abra with a Basic Energy Attack, but misses! (Nat 1)

Announcer: "...?"
"Nana has seemingly failed in releasing her apparent 'wind magic'!!"
"Could their be some limit to its use?"

Nana: "Perhaps their is..." [Raises both hands up once again...]

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"Stage four, second attempt..."



Nana: [Lifts hands...]
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Nana burns an AP to attempt a Charged Energy Attack, but fails her manipulation check!

"So stage three is the limit...the doctor will be unhappy with this..."

Turn End!
Round 5, end!

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Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Re: The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen

Post by TheToonKing Mon May 04, 2020 3:57 pm

Round 6, start!
--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Abra (22)
Nana (6)
--- --- ---
Abra (Lv. 2 / 71 HP / 32 EP / 0 AP)
Nana (Lv. 2 / ?? HP / ?? EP / ? AP)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Abra's turn!
--- --- ---
Abra regains 1 HP from Passive Regeneration, reaching full health!! (HP 77 -> 78)
--- --- --- --- ---
[Meanwhile, Professor Magenta had reentered the crowd, his old women disguise put back into place...]

Magenta: ("There, maybe Nana's match will finally start soon...")

[Sees the stage...]


[Abra now refocused, jumps up morphing into a ball hovering above the ground then launching at Nana.]
Abra: "Hyah!"

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[Nana easily sidesteps out of harms way, Abra passing by harmlessly...]

[But Abra revved up further in mid air...coming to a stop, before firing right back at Nana, homing in on the back of her head, hard]

[Nana fell forward, right onto her face, as the spinning pink ball continued on...]

Abra attacks Nana with her Spindash Attack, inflicting 11 damage!

[As Nana stands she holds the back of her head, checking for damage...]

--- --- ---
[But to the audience, it seemed like she was clutching it in pain...]

[Most look away at this...]
Announcer: "Another devastating blow from Abra!!"
"She's coming up with an explosive comeback! It's as if all that damage from earlier up and disappeared!!"

Magenta: [Sweating] ("Nanas clearly taken quite a bit of damage...")
[Suddenly calms for a moment, sitting up in confusion...]

("But she's...completely stable?")
--- --- ---

Nana: [Whispers to herself...] "If I sustain much more damage, my being an Artificial Human will probably be revealed..."

[Image of her artificial skin pealing away...]


[Looks up]

"I think I have to end this fight now!!"
"By winning it!!"
--- --- --- --- ---
Nana's turn!

Abra: "Nana gonna try her best to win?"
[She begins to smile taking her stance again.]
"Well so will Abra!"

[Nana takes a deep breath, though a rather ordinary one...]

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--- --- ---
Magenta: [eyes widen] "N-Nana...Y-You know not to use that in such a populated area...right?"
"Especially not with your wonderful creator in the audience...RIGHT!?"

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--- --- ---

Abra: "Nana's like Abra! So Abra do it too!"
[Abra follows along with Nana as she starts taking a deep breath more and more...]

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Announcer: "What's this!?"
"Abra's beginning her vacuum like inhalation technique...!!"

[Starts getting pulled in slowly...]

[Crowds clothes are likewise, Ami once again needing saved, and someones pearl necklace breaking off of a particularly fat neck and flying over into Abra's gullet...]

--- --- ---
Magenta: [Eyes bulging] "W-What!?"
("I just realized she's facing that Artificial Human !!!")

[Sees Abra's suction, and her expanding mouth...]
("W-What on earth is she doing!?")

--- --- ---
[Nana starts to slide forward towards Abra, as she internally prepared....]

[Until finally...]

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[A massive white blast erupted from Nana's mouth, more air then what surrounded  them blasting out, wide enough to encompass the entire ring...]

[The blasts scale was unlike any attack thus far, based on size alone...]

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[It rushes across the stage, more air then was filling the area to begin with, threatening to consume the entire audience...]

Nana attacks Abra with her Air Scream ...
[If it weren't for...]

--- --- --- ---

Crowd: "AHHHH!!!"
[They could easily understand, in the mere moments before it would reach them..that if it hit...]

[They almost all closed their eyes tight, flinching...]
("We're dead...!!")



[But after a few moments, they realized they weren't dead, even as the winds raged loudly ahead on the stage...]
[They opened their eyes, to see their savior...]

[Abra, standing firm in place, inhaling all the incoming wind with an even stronger vacuum then before, completely negating the fearsome and destructive winds as they descend into the black hole that is Abra's mouth.]

--- --- --- --- ---

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[In her head Abra is screaming.]

Nana: [Eyes widen...]

[After a few seconds, her massive blast lessens...before Abra sucks up the last of her shot...]


But Abra inhaled every bit of it for her Snack Time!!( EP 32 -> 5)


[But Abra's inhale still didn't end...And Nana was once more lifted off her feet, flying over and into Abra's mouth...]

Nana is also left grappled by Abra's Snack Time!!

[Nana tried her best to struggle from within Abra, multiple bulges appearing out of the girl, too no availl...]

Nana burns an AP to attempt to break free, but fails!

Turn End!

Round 6, end!!

Posts : 675
Join date : 2014-07-11
Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Re: The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen

Post by TheToonKing Mon May 04, 2020 4:01 pm

Round 7, start!
--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Abra (22)
Nana (6)
--- --- ---
Abra (Lv. 2 / 78 HP / 5 EP / 0 AP)
Nana (Lv. 2 / ?? HP / ?? EP / ? AP)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Abra's turn!
--- --- ---

Announcer: "UNBELIEVABLE!!"
"Nana let loose her biggest attack yet...but Abra sucked it up just like that!?"

"This may be the most bizarre match I think I've seen, and that's saying something after some of todays spectacles!"
Crowd: [Scared straight]

?: "W-What's even happening..."
??: "O-Oh well..."


???: "You to, Nana!!"
"Get out of there!! You can do it!!"

[Crowd slowly intensifies for both sides...]

--- --- --- --- ---

[Abra stands in place with bulding cheeks like a squirel.]
Abra: "Abra did not mean to suck up Nana. What Abra do now? Abra spit off edge? Nah, that didn't work and no fun... Oh! Abra spit Nana at wall like Nana hit Abra against wall! Yeah, Yeah! Abra smart!"
[Abra begins to woddles over to the wall.]

[Crowds heads calmly turn as Abra waddles over...]

Rika: [Covers mouth with one hand, though remains mostly stoic, looking at the bloated Abra...] "So cute..."
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[Abra, now at the wall looks it up and down.]
Abra: "Now Abra just..."

[Nana fires out of Abra's mouth at an obscene velocity, slamming into the wall so hard it cracked...]

Crowd: > . > + O _ O

[Nana's body practically bounced back from the blow, right back into Abra's quick suction, pulling the artificial human right back into her...]

Abra attacks Nana with a Basic Physical Attack, inflicting 10 damage!! Nana isn't looking good...

Announcer: "Woah!!"
"If you've ever seen to young siblings fighting...the moves seen in this match aren't any less harsh!!"
"This really is a match between sisters, isn't it!?"

Magenta: [Exaggerated shocked face manages a blink..] "...Sisters?"

--- --- --- --- ---

[Meanwhile, Nana was once again trying to move about inside of Abra, this time placing a palm against Abra's insides and preparing a shot rather then trying to break free....]

Nana: "...I'm not done yet, Abr--"


[But Abra, feeling the movement as a tickle, clenched hard, bending Nana's arm and closing her hand for the blast...negating any of its force...]


Nana attacks Abra with a Basic Energy Attack, but misses!

Turn End!

Round 7, end!

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Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Re: The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen

Post by TheToonKing Mon May 04, 2020 4:03 pm

Round 8, start!
--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Abra (22)
Nana (6)
--- --- ---
Abra (Lv. 2 / 78 HP / 5 EP / 0 AP)
Nana (Lv. 2 / ? HP / ?? EP / ? AP)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Abra's turn!
--- --- ---

Abra: "Maybe Abra should do something else? Nah, this is fun, it's like playing with a ball bouncing off the wall!"
[Abra again adjust herself with the wall and ejects Nana out.]

[This time, the girl was able to flip around and catch herself against the wall...]

[For the third or fourth time today, she felt relief..before her hair and clothes started pullling towards Abra's new inhale, and she flew right back in...]

Abra attacks Nana with a Basic Physical Attack, but misses!!


--- --- --- --- ---
Nana's turn!

Nana: [Inside of Abra] "'re good at that, Abra!"

[Abra tries speaking but comes out as a jumbled mess.]
Abra: "Yay, Yay! More praise for Abra!"
[She loses balance throwing her hands up in joy and starts to wobble in place catching her balance again.]

Nana: "You deserve it!!"
"I've only got one idea of what to do now..."

[The jumbled mess continues.]
Abra: "What's that Nana?"

[Hears an inhalation inside of herself...]

[Suddenly, Abra's body shot up in size for a moment...before she opened her mouth, and the same huge mouth blast Nana had let lose earlier now escaped her again, before escaping from Abra as well...]

[The wide blast veered straight up into the sky, displacing a cloud...]

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Nana attacks Abra with her Air Scream once again, but misses!

Crowd: [sweats nervously]

Announcer: "It seems Nana isn't out for the count yet...!!"

[Abra's mouth opens from the air scream letting it out like a burp. This not only letting out Nana's current blast but her prior one in one giant shot into the air.]

And Nana takes 4 damage from Abra's perfect parry!

Turn End!

Round 8, end!

Posts : 675
Join date : 2014-07-11
Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Re: The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen

Post by TheToonKing Mon May 04, 2020 4:07 pm

Round 9, start!
--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Abra (22)
Nana (6)
--- --- ---
Abra (Lv. 2 / 78 HP / 5 EP / 0 AP)
Nana (Lv. 2 / ? HP / ? EP / ? AP)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Abra's turn!
--- --- ---

[Abra lets out the last of the air scream then sits for a second. She sits then...]
[Abra burps up Nana at the wall.]

[Nana impacts the wall, hard...and this time flops to the ground, motionless...]


--- --- ---
Crowd: "..."

--- --- ---

[Insert Kirby inhale sound effect.]

[Suddenly Nana flew right back into Abra's gullet...]
The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tenor

Crowd: "EH!?"
"It wasn't over?!"

Abra attacks Nana with a Basic Physical Attack...knocking her unconcious...

[Nana's eyes flutter open within Abra..]

But she manages to make her saves, and gain a second wind!!

HP 0 -> 3
EP 2 -> 9

Announcer: "A-Abra, I think you shout spi--" [Sees Nana moving around in Abra]

"Don't misunderstand, everyone, it seems Nana can still fight...!!!"
Round 9, end!

Round 10, start!

--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Abra (22)
Nana (6)
--- --- ---
Abra (Lv. 2 / 78 HP / 5 EP / 0 AP)
Nana (Lv. 2 / 3 HP / 9 EP / 0 AP)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Abra's turn!
--- --- ---
Magenta: [Frantically sweating] ("I-Is this really an ordinary artificial human ...?")
("Just how advanced are you, girl!?")

[Abra looks at the announcer for a second confused then shrugs as she once again goes back to her game of catch the Nana.]
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[Nana nearly impacted the wall straight on again, but she managed to catch herself on her hands...]

[In a moment she dropped to the ground, and started to run...]

[Heat started to visibly build up in her, distorting the air yet again, as she produced the energy needed for another air scream...]

Nana uses her action to regain 23 EP from her Power Generator! (EP 9 -> 32)

[But...The air around started to pick up again...and Nana lifted off the ground...]

[And started to soar towards the black hole yet again...]

Turn End!
Round 10, end!

Posts : 675
Join date : 2014-07-11
Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Re: The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen

Post by TheToonKing Mon May 04, 2020 4:09 pm

Round 11, start!
--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Abra (22)
Nana (6)
--- --- ---
Abra (Lv. 2 / 78 HP / 5 EP / 0 AP)
Nana (Lv. 2 / 3 HP / 9 EP / 0 AP)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Abra's turn!
--- --- ---

[Nana's head turned in surprised, as she soared towards Abra...]

Abra: "Abra think Nana fell asleep for a bit... Maybe Abra playing to rough with Nana..."
[Abra lifts her hand as Nana approaches and stops inhaling as she gets closer to...]

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[Nana shakes for a moment, as depicted in the gif...]

[Before falling over...]


Abra attacks Nana with a Basic Physical Attack...

Announcer: [Head raises in surprise, as Nana doesn't get up...]

HP 3 -> 0
"I-I do believe that's a knockout!!"
--- --- ---
Magenta: [Falls back in shock.]

--- --- ---
[The crowd gives cheers, though concerned about Nana's safety...]

"Idol Look-alike" Nana...

[Nana has "turned off", but appears to be peacfully asleep...]" style="width: 400px;height: 300px" alt="" />

Retires in the first round...

[Abra thinks for a moment.]

Abra: "Hmm... Maybe mama can help Abra make Nana feel better!"
[Abra begins to pick up Nana trying to carry her.]

"Black Hole" Abra...

Announcer: [Eye brows raise, as Abra gets Nana onto her back...]
[Slowly smiles.]

[Calmly raises hand]

"The winner..."

"Is Abra!!"

Moves on ...

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Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty My Turn

Post by TheToonKing Mon May 04, 2020 4:24 pm

[Abra is lead off towards the infirmary with Nana by some medical staff...]

Announcer: [Lifts microphone] "The next exciting match will begin in just a bit!"
"We'll be checking the stages integrity after the events of that explosive last match!"
--- --- ---
[Sitting atop Opa's back again...]

Ami: "Abra was so amazing...I'll root for her from now on!!" [Grins, the sadness of his brothers defeat passed...]

--- --- --- --- ---

[Arashi sits on the roof of the all absolutely dumbstruck by what he saw this day.]
[And yet ...]

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[In the face of this cartoonish madness the child smiled.]
[He stood up, still shaking from what just happened and lookes down into the crowd.]

[And saw his father smiling at him.]

Arashi " ..."

[Arashi hops off the roof and straight down to rear of the hall to prepare]

"All of them . . . ."
[Deferring images of the past five matches flash in his head]

"Everyone here is so...amazing."

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Natsu-is-all-fired-up1

"Now it's my turn!"

--- --- --- --- ---


[10 years ago...]

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[Arashi - Age 5]

[The young boy was in the break room of the families gym and home, flipping through the channels...]

[Finally, it landed on the start of a particular sumo match...]

[It was a young Makushita, far lower in the professional sumo ranks...still building his own path forward...]

[Against him was a small wrestler...Well known as the smallest professional wrestler of the era in fact.]


[As the two wrestlers clashed, grappling each other and pushing...the small wrestler pushed with incredible intensity...his skin slowly turning red from the strain...]

???: "There it is!!"
"The legendary Red Oni has shown his true colors!!"

Arashi: [In awe] : D

Even the small can grasp victory...

[This idea, which took on physical form in this match, excited the young Arashi to no ends.]



The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 MakushitasPower

[The next moment, the Red Oni's foot was outside of the ring...having been pushed out by Makushita in one swift motion...]

Overwhelming physical also a necessity of sumo...

...No, of martial arts...

???: "Was it just a hopeless dream after all?"

Arashi: "..."

???: "Such a small body making it on this stage?"

Arashi: [Mouth starts to open...]
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
[In the present...]

[Arashi looks over at Makushita...who , though he may not remember then, has the same aura he did all those years, a far greater one...]

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[Makushita glanced back at Arashi for a moment...]

[And around the boy to was an impressive presence...]


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[Flashback Arashi^]
Flashback Arashi: "I will win and prove to everyone that my family raised the champion!"

Makushita: ("How is it that your usual 'flame' has only weakened since then...?")

--- --- --- --- ---

[The crowd is excited for the next match, they haven't been disappointed yet...]

Announcer: "It appears we're ready to continue!!"
[Equips his flashcards, glancing between them...]

"Its hard to believe, but we'll already be beginning the sixth match !! This tournament's zipping by with all of us at the edge of our seats!!"
"But I've got a feeling..a few more surprises are in store for us this very match !!"

"Innnnnn the left corner..."

"His accolades are many, and still climbing...He's built up a carrier in professional sumo as solid as a mountain, just like he is!"
"He's won the emperor's cup an unprecedented number of times...To the point a rather bombastic nickname for him has emerged..."

"The God...of Sumo!!"

"That's right, he's taken time off from preparing for his next tournament, all to try his hand at taking the championship here!"

[Makushita starts to step onto the stage, and tosses aside his yutaka...]

Announcer: "He is the single currently active Yokozuna...!!"

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 17

[The crowd goes totally wild, many aware of Makushita's exploits, even if sumo wasn't as popular as it used to be...]

[Among them, below the "Makushita!! Fight!!" banner, the Yokozuna's top fans nearly blue in the face from their shouting...]

[One of them turns, couching over to shake the still catatonic Katsuo awake, after his failed meeting with his idol...]
??: "Come on Katsuo, don't miss the match now!"
Announcer: "Annnnnd in the riiiight corner!!"
[Raises hand...]
--- --- ---

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--- --- ---

"He's another young rising star who's totally shaken up the Budokai this year!!"
"Only fifteen years old...and the son of one former Budokai champion, and a runner up!!"
"In fact, his parents are who fought each other in those very finals!!"

--- --- ---
Shaya: [Grins]
Markus: [Head momentarily drops at the last part]
--- --- ---

"Just like his name implies, he blew through the preliminaries and got his fair share of attention ...!!"
"Following in his parents footsteps, it's....!!!"

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"The 'pugilistic prodigy', Arashi!!!"

[With fists cutting through the air Arashi ran into the ring!]
[Placing himself at the very center of it...]

--- --- ---

--- --- --- --- ---
[The clapping continued somewhat, but...]

???: "After Abra and Nana, I'm not gonna flat out doubt the kid...but...."

??: "Yeah, I get you..."

--- --- --- ---
[Arashi punches at the air...]

"Its just kind of a shame Makushita's opponent had to be him..."

[A few in the crowd however, recognize Arashi from the scene he'd caused earlier, declaring he'd fight Makushita and win, fight anyone and win...]

?: "Well damn...the kid actually made it this far?"

--- --- --- --- ---
Announcer: "Please, take your 'corner', Arashi..."

[Meanwhile...Makushita lowered down into typical sumo starting stance...]

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[One fist against the ground, though the other not quite...The second would touch at the start of the match, signaling Makushita's charge...]

[Though the opinion of some in the audience was somewhat presumptuous, their thoughts were not unfounded...]
[[From the perspective of most watching the odds seemed stacked heavily towards one side..

[So much so that even Arashi took notice ...]

Arashi ("...Shit. Why does he seem ...")

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 X102
("Bigger all of a sudden?")

Announcer: "Now...Without any delay...Let the sixth match...!!"
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[The gong is struck once again...]
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-- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

"Yokozuna" Makushita Vs "Pugilistic Prodigy" Arashi


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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty The Presence of the Yokozuna...A Man Called God

Post by TheToonKing Mon May 04, 2020 5:26 pm

--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Makushita (11)
Arashi (4)
--- --- ---
Arashi (Lv. 2 / 72 HP /  86 EP / 4 AP)
Makushita (Lv. ? / ?? HP / ?? EP / ? AP)

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Round 1, start!
--- --- ---

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 MakushitaFistsDown

[Makushita's second hand comes down to the ground...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 MakushitasPower2

Arashi: ("Crap! It's already started! He's coming!")

[In a flash, Makushita closed the distance between the two, raising to slam all of his weight into Arashi, a traditional initial charge in sumo, where each match begins with both wrestlers clashing charges in the center of the ring...]

[Arashi however, had no forward momentum, and was caught completely off guard...]

[Even so...]
In sumo...distraction, for even one second...can lead to an instant defeat...
The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 13

Arashi: ("Man that was close..Almost caught me! But if I just stay out of his range-!")

Makushita attacks Arashi with a Basic Physical Attack, but misses!

[Arashi's eyes widen somewhat]

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Makushita_Strike

[Arashi's head is blasted back by Makushita's lightning like follow up blow...]
[The small boy skids back across the stone tiles, his cheek already reddening!]

Arashi: ("S-so fast!")

--- --- ---

[Crowd woos]

?: "What was that!?"
"I thought sumo was all about wrestling !?"

??: "Yeah?"
"It's also filled to the brim with absolutely brutal striking, as long as its open handed..."

--- --- --- --- ---

[Makushita's eyes are blank, as he continues moving...]

??: "Grabs, pushes, or strikes...Whatever it takes to knock your opponent to the ground or out of the ring..."


[Already, as his momentum backwards came to an end, Arashi's nose started to bleed...]

Makushita burns an AP to attack Arashi once again, inflicting 13 damage! (HP 72 -> 59)

Announcer: "Ooooo!!!"

"Arashi manages to dodge Makushita's initial charge , but he couldn't escape the Yokozuna's follow up strike !!"
"He's mainly known for his right-overarm grip, but Makushita's striking is world-class!!"

[Arashi immediately gets up, not waiting for the 10 count..]

Arashi "Damn that smarts! I can't let him connect with too many of those..."

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[Makushita was quickly after him...but Arashi wouldn't let him keep the initiative...!!]
[He stepped forth, nose still starting to leak blood...!!]

Turn End!

--- --- --- --- ---
Arashi's turn!

[The time had come! It was Arashi's turn to strike back! Return the favor to the Sumo God!]

[And yet ...]

[The attack never came.]

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[The boy listened to his father's defensive advice for once. He circled around the Giant. Away from the Ring's Edge and repositioning himself near the wall]

--- --- --- --- ---
Markus: [Bead of sweat runs down brow as he watches with an unblinking stare..]

Shaya: "...He's sc---"

Markus: "Don't..."
--- --- --- --- ---

[The young pugilist tried to slip away from what was to come next ...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 32

Arashi ("I can't let him corner me! I JUST CANT!")

[Makushita's head slowly turns, glancing at Arashi, who looks back at him, with a disappointed frown...]

Arashi uses his turn to take the Dodge action!! He has advantage on all Reflex rolls until the start of his next turn!

Makushita had no interest in speaking out loud in the ring...just as it was frowned upon in the sumo ring to show any emotions, to lose ones honor for even a moment...

While he still said nothing...outside of the Sumo dohyo (ring) Makushita allowed his true faces to show...

And this one spoke for itself...

"It seems I was wrong about you..."
Turn End!

Round 1, end!

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Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty React!!!

Post by TheToonKing Mon May 04, 2020 5:35 pm

--- --- ---
Initiative Order

Makushita (11)
Arashi (4)
--- --- ---
Arashi (Lv. 2 / 59 HP /  86 EP / 4 AP)
Makushita (Lv. ? / ?? HP / ?? EP / ? (-1) AP)

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Round 2, start!
--- --- ---
Makushita's turn!

[Crouching down towards the ground, his center of gravity lowered, Makushita shot across the ring towards Arashi, sliding both feet forward one at a time, neither sole leaving the ground...]
[Arashi's footwork continued, backing up as the wrestler approached, though not nearly fast enough...]

Makushita's expression clearly said...

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 MakushitaSTRIKE

"I thought we would meet head on."

"I thought we were both aiming higher..."
[Arashi's head is blasted back by the same lightning fast palm strike...]

Makushita attacks Arashi with a Basic Physical Attack, inflicting 12 damage! (HP 59 -> 47)

[Arashi's image was blurry...but he caught it coming again...and pulled back to dodge...!!]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Strike_Dodge

Makushita burns an AP to repeat the attack on Arashi, but misses!

[The air from the swing blows Arashi's hair back, and soars into the crowd, ruffling their clothes and the like, like some previous missed hits...]
--- --- --- --- ---
Markus: ("Whatever stupid shit you've filled your head with...throw it all aside!!")
--- --- --- --- ---

[Arashi's vision straigthen's out, seeing Makushita preparing...]
--- --- --- --- ---
Shaya: ("Even one of Maku's strikes will hurt...but he's buckling down for...")
--- --- --- --- ---

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 0193-010

[Makushita's lightning like palm strikes fly out in rapid succession, like powerful whips...]

Shaya: ("A real slugfest..!!")

[The "bolts of lightning" all hone in on Arashi, his fists raised up, eyes focusing harder...and harder...]

[The first bolt came, and he weaved past it, and then the other. He ducked a third, and side stepped a few more...]

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[His mind clearing, Arashi identified and avoided each strike,reacting perfectly...]

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[A majority of the doubts that filled Arashi's head at the matches start slowly fell away, more and more with each movement...And the gigantic being that stood facing him slowly returned to his normal...giant size, in his eyes...]

Arashi: "Wait a sec ... these moves..."

"If I compare them to hooks, jobs, and streets their angles are... pretty similar."

[Makushita's eyes flinch as they catch the sight of Arashi's curious face, eyeing each move he made...]

Makushita burns an AP to attack Arashi with his Tsuppari, but misses!!

[The blows slowed, before coming to a stop...]

"How long did ya think coming at me with strikes was gonna work?"

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Makushita2

Makushita: "..." [slowly smirks]

Arashi: "In case you forgot, I'm..."
The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Hy4mplbew8411

"... a boxer!!""



Makushita's expression now said...

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 MakushitaFace


Turn End!

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Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Arashi's Strength

Post by TheToonKing Mon May 04, 2020 5:59 pm

Arashi's turn!

[As things heat up in the ring...two figures appeared back at the main martial arts hall, making silent all but unnoticed entrances...]

[Son Gohan and Kankodo, who'd been mostly watching together, did turn to see their arrival...]

Kankodo: "...Oh?"

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---  --- --- --- ---
Arashi's turn!

[Despite his expression, Makushita wouldn't simply sit and wait for Arashi, hands already raising to begin an attack...]

[Still keeping up his footwork, Arashi charged in as well...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 0146-004


Arashi: ("Okay!!")

("I'm getting my rhythm back!")

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("My turn!!")

[Makushita's volley of lightning bolts tore through again, but Arashi weaved between them, closing in...]

[Ending up right under Makushita.]

[The boy had realized something during the exchange! Though the Gaint did, in fact, have the advantage in size that also meant Arashi had a bigger target!]
("Just like that Scary lady! Take aim at the sweet spot and FIRE!")

[Arashi pounced forth!  Aiming to launch an upper straight to Makushita's Liver ...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Makush10

[With a stoic visage Arashi's attack is smacked away.]

Arashi pays 1 AP for an Aimed Basic Melee Attack but misses!

Arashi: ("Shit! That won't cut it! I need more! More momentum!")

--- --- --- --- ---
[Amoungst the cheering crowd, Katsuo seems to stir...]


Katsuo: "...." O_O

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[Looks over...]

[Sees Arashi...And thinks back to their conversation...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Dr._Stone_Episode_410-24-57

"H-He was a contestant to...?"

--- --- --- --- ---

CRACK! ! !

[Suddenly . . . . it happened]

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tenor

Makushita: [Glare appears in eye...]
[Suddenly his entire body lunges at Arashi, aiming to stop any attacks...]

[As Arashi moved his upper body the floor started to form small cracks]

Announcer "What's this?! Now this is a move I haven't seen in years in---but wait! Makushita moves in!"

[Pumping their fists in the air and cheering for their son a single couple roars]


[Arashi's fist soars, and...]


The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Makush10

[The impact rings out even across the crowd...]


[Makushita's powerful momentum...had been stopped with a single blow...]

Announcer: "But...It's not over yet!!!"
[Arashi's body creens back...]

[Insert Sound of a jet engine]

[Makushita attempted to intercept but was just a second too late . . .]

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Announcer: "It really is...!!"


"The old school Dempsey Rooooollllll!!!!"

[Arashi's hooks land again and again, tossing the huge fighter from side to side...]

[The audience on the edge...]

[Finally Makushita fell back somewhat, and Arashi's fist zoomed through dead air...]

Arashi attacks Makushita with a Basic Physical Attack, and scores a critical hit! Though Makushita manages to endure, he takes 15 damage!

Arashi: ("I . . . did it?! I knocked em down!")

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Character_header_ken_alt

[Makushita begins to fall back, his vision blurring...but he catches himself...]

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Announcer: "The last time I saw such an explosive counter attack..." [Flashes to Krillin Vs Rota] "Well, it was earlier today..."
"And yet, look where we are!!"

--- --- ---

[As Makushita stands, his nose slowly starts to bleed, like Arashi's had constantly been this entire time...]

"Arashi has just done some serious damage to the Yokozuna!!!"

--- --- ---
[Among the viewers of the battle...Were those two who'd just arrived to see Arashi's counter attack...]

[Although one...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Dr._Stone_Episode_309-01-12

Krillin: "What an awesome move...!!"
"But why is Arashi covered in blood!?!"

[Arashi's nosebleed has dripped down his face, and stained quite a bit of his hoodies chest...]
--- --- --- --- ---
[The infirmary...]

[Krillin had finally gotten out of bed,  having awoken awhile beforehand, only to be stuck staring at his own bandaged fists in awe...]

[On his way out however, someone reached out from their bed and grabbed his arm to get his attention...]

Krillin: [Turns, surprised...]


--- --- --- --- ---
[Being held up by the Monster Monk, covered almost completely in bandages beneath his torn dress shirt and pants, eying things quietly...]

[...Was Johnathan...]

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Shaya "DAMN IT!" [Shaya's iron grip starts to crack the audience wall]
"He didn't get to establish leverage before ripping into Maku!"

Markus: "Calm down dear."

Shaya "But if he had mixed in hooks from other angles besides side he could've done more damage!"
[There was some truth to this . . . ]

[Having the preparation of momentum interrupted on top of the predictable angles made it possible to brace for impact]
[However ...]

Markus "I think it might be fine. Looks like our boy is slowly getting his spirit back."

--- --- ---

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Kirishima

Turn End!

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Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Gatekeeper! What Kind of God Will You Be?

Post by TheToonKing Mon May 04, 2020 6:32 pm

Initiative Order

Makushita (11)
Arashi (4)
--- --- ---
Arashi (Lv. 2 / 47 HP /  86 EP / 2 AP)
Makushita (Lv. ? / ?? HP / ?? EP / ? AP)

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Round 3, start!
--- --- ---

Makushita's turn!

[The crowd chattered in awe at the sudden upset, and the prospect of an underdog...]

[But to Makushita, that was a world away...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Arashi_Vs_Makushita

[Makushita's leg raised up, his body tilting over...]

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[Before slamming back down into the ground, rattling the ring, and shaking the ground beneath everyone's feet...]
[Arashi watches Makushita...and he to is in his own world...]

The line...

--- --- --- --- ---
[A familiar flashback, See: ]
"The Tenkaichi Budokai isn't just any tournament..." his mother had said, "It's for the best of the best. The tournament to decide 'the number one under heaven'. No normal person can hope to make it through the preliminaries. Theirs a line everyone there has to stare down and try to cross..."

"Everyone who crosses that line has a shot...They're who have stepped into the realm of superhumans."

--- --- --- --- ---

Without paying it any mind, Arashi had crossed this imaginary line when he'd made it through the preliminaries...

But fittingly, for Arashi's journey was not over, with the line now gone...

Now stood...

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A gate...
Beyond superhuman, to the realm of the gods...That was what remained behind those doors.

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 OzRCnPi

Currently serving as its gatekeeper...


The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 0248-017

Was the God of Sumo, Yokozuna Makushita.


While he'd never approved of his title of "God of Sumo", Makushita's expression in this moment appeared to say...

"What kind of god..."

"Will you be?"

--- --- --- --- ---

[It was a truly a complex question. One that Arashi wasn't prepared to answer.]

[The two fighters stood off for a moment, a bizarre occasion for a sumo wrestler, who clash at all time within the dohyo during sumo matches...]

[Arashi's strength being what it was, the wrestler understood...]

--- --- --- --- ---
[A scrolling splitscreen goes through the various contestants and audience members watching]
--- --- --- --- ---

[Just like Arashi's samurai comic...]
[One way or another, this match would come to an end in this decisive moment...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Latest

[Thus...both fighters prepared their swords...]

Makushita, his famed right-handed overarm grip...which earned him the title of God...

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 MakushitasSword

As for Arashi...

He'd place his faith in the very weapons he'd conditioned for years.

None of the boy's kicks, grapples, or throws had been honed to the same level...

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Fistsa10

The level of his fists!

Last edited by TheToonKing on Thu May 07, 2020 4:56 am; edited 2 times in total

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty The Fujin

Post by TheToonKing Mon May 04, 2020 6:44 pm

[Both fighters rushed forth, Makushita aiming to grapple, while Arashi's fist and body twisted back....]


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
[The earlier flashback, of five year old Arashi seeing Makushita's match..]
"Was it just a hopeless dream after all?"

[Not seen before, Markus steps into the room...]

Arashi: "..."

???: "Such a small body making it on this stage?"

Arashi: "..."

[Opens mouth...]

Markus: [Looks over...]
Arashi: "What about me?"

Markus: "..."

--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- ---

--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- ---


Makushita: "ORRRRAA!!!!"


The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 0030-031

"Gods of the Earth"

Arashi: "HAAAAHH!!"

Fujin Kata: Daitoppa

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 0030-030

"Wind God's Form: Great Breakthrough"


Makushita: ("I see...This excitement ...It's exactly what I came here for...")
[Makushita arrives at Arashi and slips his arm over his shoulder, nearly getting the grip...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Makushita_Lunge

[His sword poised to strike Arashi cleanly...]
[However...a blade instead pierces him...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Deathmatch

("Sumo...No, martial arts really is....")
("The best experience!!")

--- --- ---

[Arashi's body twists forward, his fist coming forth, as winds pick up around it...]

[Intense winds, coating the arm for all to see, like a tornado...]
--- --- ---
Markus: "..."
Flashback Markus: "My son may have decided to enter all on his own, but he can take on my will and toss you out of the ring...."
[Slowly grins]
--- --- ---
[Winds intensify even further, far greater then when Arashi fought in the desert...]

"I'm sure of it."

--- --- ---

[The tailed beast of a boxer took in air! Causing his blood to circulate and energies his body! Preparing to unleash his greatest weapon!]
Arashi: "Krillin! Johnathan! Mom! Dad! No matter happens..."

[As he breathed out with inhuman force!]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Total_Concentration_Breathing



The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 ComplexHardBelugawhale-max-1mb

"What kind of god will you be?"



Yet full of purpose...

The Fujin...The god born to cause the biggest storms...

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 0168-003

[Makushita flies back, coated completely in a storm of winds caused purely from Arashi's punching force...]

[He flies back, completely obscured, and slams against the tournament wall loudly, sending pieces and dust flying...]

Makushita attacks Arashi with his Kunitsukami, but Arashi counters with his Daitoppa, and sends Makushita flying into the nearby wall for a total of 41 damage!! HP ?? -> ?

Announcer: "UNBELIEVABLE!!!"

"Arashi's lets loose what I could only call..."
"A sunday punch that conquers the wind itself!!"

"And with it, he utterly overwhelmed contestant Makushita!!!"

--- --- ---

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 20190829_142048

Katsuo: ("HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!?!?!?!")
--- --- ---

[The dust of the wall slowly fades...]

[Makushita in embedded in the wall, this portion all but completely destroyed behind him, his head back, eyes closed...]

Announcer: "...1...2..."

--- --- --- --- ---
[Katsuo sweats profusely]

Katsuo: ("Makushita's Kunitsukami was completly overwhelmed by...Just what...")

[The still visible wind around Arashi died down...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Remains

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Age : 26

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Re: The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen

Post by TheToonKing Mon May 04, 2020 6:52 pm

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Dr._Stone_Episode_622-35-26
Krillin: "Did...Did Arashi just defeat the greatest sumo wrestler to ever live?"

Johnathan: "....Yeah, he did. looks like i was right about him."

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Dr._Stone_Episode_622-47-29

Announcer: "....6...7..."


[Katsuo and the rest of the Makushita fan club is huddled together in over the top tears...]
[Makushita is still knocked out, appearing peaceful...]

"God of Sumo" Makushita...retires in the first round...

Announcer: "Contestant Makushita has been rendered unconscious for the entire ten-count..."
"Meaning he winner goes to the right corner...!!!"

"Pugilistic Prodigy"...No...

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 20190826_194621

"Fujin" Arashi moves on...

"Arashi is the winner of the sixth match!!"

[Arashi lifts his fists overhead...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Round_1210

[The crowd goes wild...]


--- --- ---
[Even Johnathan cant help but smile...]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 E20c065670e74d54b336fa1903ad685e0680789a23f5d2c64c8fce608e9976ca

Johnathan: "This man....he's the perfect wall."
--- --- ---

Markus: [Cries only manly tears]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tumblr_ph27erTdE51wp3k2n_540

Markus: "That kid...he actually did it!!"

[Shaya tries to suppress a nostalgic and somewhat unfamiliar feeling feeling.]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Kill-la-Kill-Episode-20-01

[They were . . . . tears of joy]
Shaya "Jesus that damn kid! Making me worry like that!"

Arashi: [Fists overhead...]
[Closes eyes after temptation...]

("Don't look...Don't look...I doesn't matter...")

[One eye peaks...looking over at his parents for the first time since he'd stepped onto the stage...]


The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 UeG3d9f

[Arashi looks over at his proud parents and his eyes start to water...]

Arashi: "I did it ..."

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 997a3831be9a240f5033570192eaab4e

"Mom. Dad! I DID IT!"

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 DoesanybodyfollowHajimeNoIppoitsagreatseries_1d6d3ad69f6641ed55b38f8787c40c30

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The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Empty Re: The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen

Post by TheToonKing Thu May 07, 2020 2:47 am

[Applause intensifies]

[After a few moments, Shaya calms somewhat, wiping way her tears like they were never there...]

Shaya: "Alright, so he's made the firs step---"

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Manly-tears-anime-irl-43855592


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

[Soon, medical people were arriving to get Makushita, and crowding Arashi to check his condition as well, and see if he'd need stay in the infirmary...]

[Moments later, Arashi had lots of tissues stuffed into his bloody nose..]

-- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
[Jewel, above, watched the boy from earlier--Arashi--defeat the man he had earlier challenged back before the preliminaries even started; back when the signups were still wrapping up]
Jewel: ("After everything I've seen today...")
[Flashes of Rika overcoming Gerie, Rose (somehow) annihilating Giran, and the other highlights of the battles show]
("One thing is clear to me...")
--- ---
[Jewel slowly looks back, to see Man-Wolf grinning at her....]

Man-Wolf: "Forfeit our match...That's the only way I don't tell everyone gathered here your secret..."
[End Flashback]
--- ---
Jewel: "I can't allow myself to lose to that."
[But even as her resolve strengthens, doubt still lingers in the back of her mind...]
("But still...")
[Sweat trickles down one side of head]
("What do I do if he makes good on his threat?")
("My match is coming up right after this next one...")
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

[In the infirmary Rota had been forced back, though told it was due to internal bleeding Rota wasn't sure what the issue was, the blood was supposed to be on the inside of the body after all.]

[Still, he stayed to easy the minds of the staff at hand, but when they all rushed out suddenly he decided to put in some light workout to easy he sore muscles]

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Tumblr_n2j9ocry1u1tu0hbzo4_r1_500

[But then...]

???: "Clear the way!"

[Several of he staff entered, struggling to push the body the medical bed even with the assist of wheels.]

[Rota got up from the ground and moved aside.]

???: "Hard to believe a kid could do so much damage to someone like this."

???: "This whole tournament is full of little monsters, like that bald one!"

???: "Hard to believe anyone could beat them now."

[The staff walked away, leaving Rota to stand near Makushita's unconscious body.]

Rota: "So many strong people here...all of them..."" style="width: 300px;height: 200px" alt="" />

Rota: "I want to fight them to...but..."

[He turns his head up, a saddened smile on his face]

Rota: "But I'm still not good enough."

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai II: It's Them! The Strongest Sixteen - Page 2 Acute__kuroko_tetsuya_x_reader_x_yandere_momoi__by_bloodyrosexx-d8icyir

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